Hello Children,
I just finished "The Death of Bunny Monroe" and I gotta say it was pretty awesome--the depths of sexual depravity, excessive substance abuse, all things that are good...I highly recommend you check it out, especially if you're a fan of Nick Cave's works en masse.
Also, in more Cave news, the score to The Road, penned by Cave and menacing hobo brother Warren Ellis (I kid...I love the man), is due out upon the release of the film on 11/25. Lord knows, I'll probably check it out, I haven't been disappointed yet by any of Cave's forays into the world of film, be it acting, writing or composing.
In additional Nick Cave related news, Cinefamily will be doing Los Angeles a favor by screening ATP The Film on 12/1, which features performances from a few bands that I don't really like all that much: Sonic Youth, The Stooges, Animal Collective, Dirty Three, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Daniel Johnston, Lightning Bolt, Battles and a small band from the UK called Grinderman.
So yeah get your asses out there, and if anybody boos Grinderman, I will get so Manson up in this motherfucker (Charles, not Marilyn).
It's a long story but basically my roommate and I went to see Grinderman at Madison Square Garden a few years ago opening for The White Stripes and basically everybody in the room looked like this:
That is to say, with the help of The DB1, that everybody there was a hot chick with their requisite douchebag of the "frat" douche variety. And the ingrate sitting next to me (who looked astonishingly like Mr. Sunburnt Vagina above left) was mustering every bit of wind in his Busch Light ravaged belly to let it be known to Mr. Cave and his motley band that they were not welcome. I almost started a fist fight with him, it would be my first time ever seeing Nick in the flesh, and sadly he was forced off stage by a torrential downpour of hisses and boos. I shudder to think of it...anyway this little video is also pretty cool.
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